As part of the FUDCon Pune 2011 organizing team, I had volunteered to help with design work. After attending few training sessions on Inkscape by Máirín Duffy, I decided to give it a try. Ian Weller had written a Python script to create name badges with Inkscape. It would read list of names from a comma separated file (csv) file, and would generate pdfs from the design provided in the svg file. I had customized the script with help from Dave Malcolm, created csv files for speakers, volunteers and registered delegates, and generated over 400 named badges for the FUDCon event.

Thanks to Kushal Das for the photograph.
Badges printed on green paper would be for volunteers and organizers, while those printed on blue paper were for speakers. Everyone else got their names printed on white paper. We had also printed badges with just the FUDCon Pune logo for people who register at the venue to write their names on it. We decided not to use QR codes. If we had data on the delegates such as t-shirt size, food preference, identi.ca/twitter feed, IRC nick names, we could have printed them on the badge as well. I did leave enough white space, so people could write whatever they want. The scripts, the Inkscape svg design, an example csv and sample pdf generated are available at http://shakthimaan.fedorapeople.org/docs/fudcon. I had also designed the coupons for lunch, day I and II, and for the FUDPub: